College History and Chronology


Sir Run Run Shaw committed to make a generous donation of HK$110 million to the Chinese University of Hong Kong for establishing a fourth constituent college.
  • ChronologySir Run Run Shaw and Mrs. Mona Shaw
  • ChronologyAccompanying Sir Edward Youde (second from right) for a visit to the site of Shaw College, Mr. Vincent Chen (first from left), Dr. Lee Quo-we (second from left) and Professor Ma Lin (first from right)
The University Council decided to name the proposed college Shaw College. Sir Run Run Shaw gave his consent to be Patron of Shaw College. The University also appointed Dr. Lee Quo-wei, Mr. Louis Page, Dr. Ann Tse-kai and Mr. Shen Hsi-jui as advisors.
The University set up the Ad hoc Group for the Planning of the New College.


Sir Run Run Shaw presented the donation to Sir Edward Youde, Chancellor of the Chinese University at a ceremony held on 28th January. The Ad hoc Group approved the conceptual design of Shaw College.
  • ChronologyThe conceptual design of Shaw College
The University announced the establishment of Shaw College on 6th February.
Chaired by Professor Ma Lin, Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Planning Committee of Shaw College was set up. The first meeting of the Committee was held.
The Hong Kong Legislative Council approved the amendments to the Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance on 30th July, thereby securing the legal status of Shaw College.
The Planning Committee formed the Board of Trustees of Shaw College for a term of one year. Professor Ma Lin became Chair of the Board. Professor Hsu Baysung was appointed Vice-Chair and Mr. Tsim Tak-lung Member and Secretary.
  • ChronologyThe 1st Meeting of the Board of Trustees on 26 September 1986
The Chinese version of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Declaration of Shaw College) Ordinance was completed.


The foundation stone of Shaw College was laid on 12th January. Officiating at the ceremony were Sir Run Run Shaw, Patron of Shaw College, and Sir David Akers-Jones, Acting Governor of Hong Kong.
  • ChronologyDelegation of the State Education Commission and representatives of institutes attended the Donation Presentation Ceremony by Sir Run Run Shaw and Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of Shaw College
  • Chronology(From left) Professor Ma Lin, Mr. Ron Bridge, Sir David Akers-Jones, Sir Run Run Shaw and Sir Lee Quo-wei in Shaw College Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony
  • ChronologyConstruction work of the Shaw College campus in progress
Professor Chen Char-nie of the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, was appointed the first Head of Shaw College.
Professor Yang Chen-ning, Distinguished Professor-At-Large of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, accepted the invitation to join Shaw College.
  • ChronologyProfessor Yang Chen-ning with Sir Run Run Shaw

The Board of Trustees approved ‘xiude jiangxue’ as the college motto.

A temporary office of Shaw College was set up at Teaching Block 1 of Chung Chi College.

The College Assembly of Fellows was established. It was chaired by Professor Chen Char-nie, College Head.


The Board of Trustees was reformed in compliance with the written provision. This second term of the Board was three years.

Dr. Fung Kwok-pui of the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, was appointed the first Dean of Students.

Professor Ma Lin was elected Chair of the Board of Trustees.


The Board of Trustees resolved to designate the 12th of January the Founder’s Day of Shaw College. The Board also approved the design of the college emblem and the college colour.
  • ChronologyDesigns of the College emblem
Dr. Herbert Pierson of the English Language Teaching Unit was appointed the first Dean of General Education.
  • ChronologyDr. Herbert Pierson, the first Dean of General Education, discussed with his students in a General Education lesson
The first orientation camp was held.
  • ChronologyThe booklet of Shaw College orientation camp in 1991/92
  • ChronologyThe first orientation camp of Shaw College
The English College Handbook was published with the assistance of the University Press. It was the first publication of the College.
  • ChronologyThe first Shaw College Handbook was released in September 1988
The Putonghua Club, English Society and Qigong Club were formed. They were the first batch of student organizations of Shaw College.



Four students went overseas through the University’s Office of International Student Exchange Programmes. They were the College’s first batch of exchange students. The College in return received an incoming exchange student from the USA.

Students organized activities to celebrate the first Founder’s Day. The student journal Shaw Beat was published.
  • ChronologyAt the cake-cutting ceremony celebrating the first anniversary, Professor Kao Kuen Charles (third from left), Sir Run Run Shaw (fourth from left), Mr. Teng Teng (second from right), Professor Chen Char-nie (first from right) and guests
The first prize-presentation ceremony was held. Students of outstanding performance were awarded scholarships. Sir Run Run Shaw, Patron of Shaw College, officiated at the ceremony.
  • ChronologyThe first prize-presentation ceremony
  • ChronologySir Run Run Shaw presenting certificates to awardees at the first College Prize Giving Ceremony

Professor Lin Sheng-shih composed the college song. The lyrics were written by Professor Chen Char-nie and Professor Lau Din-cheuk.

Student Hostel I was commissioned. The 580 hostel places were almost equally shared by male and female students.
  • ChronologyProfessor Chen Char-nie, the first College Head and Professor Fung Kwok-pui, the first Dean of Students, took the first shuttle bus to Shaw College with students

Construction work of the college campus was completed. The administration building Wen Lan Tang was commissioned. The College moved its office to the new campus.

The Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar Programme was launched. The first scholar was Professor Lee Yuan-Tseh, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1986.
  • Chronology

The staff quarters Ya Qun Lodge was commissioned.

The student dining hall was open for business.


A concert in celebration of the opening of Shaw College was held. Performed by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, the event was jointly organized with Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. The college song was debuted.

A symposium in celebration of the opening of Shaw College was held at Cho Yiu Hall. The theme of the conference was ‘The Roles of Colleges in a University’. The symposium moderator was Professor L. B. Thrower, Emeritus Professor of Biology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The speakers were Professor D. H. Northcote of the University of Cambridge, Professor Robin W. Winks of Yale University, Professor Frederick G. T. Holliday of the University of Durham, and Professor Dean E. McHenry of the University of California, Santa Cruz.

The Grand Opening of Shaw College was held on 3rd March. Officiating at the ceremony were Sir Run Run Shaw, Patron of Shaw College, and Sir David Wilson, Governor of Hong Kong.

The Shaw College Student Union was established. The first executive committee of the Union was elected.
  • ChronologyProfessor Ma Lin delivered an opening speech at the Shaw College Opening Symposium 1990
  • ChronologyThe Grand Opening Ceremony of Shaw College
  • ChronologySir David Wilson, Governor of Hong Kong and Sir Run Run Shaw, Patron of Shaw College arriving at the College
  • Chronology(From left) Sir Lee Quo-wei, Sir Run Run Shaw and Professor Kao Kuen Charles at the opening Ceremony
An exchange programme with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the USA was established.
The first graduation ceremony was held at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. A dinner ball organized by the graduating students followed.
  • ChronologyProfessor Hsu Baysung delivering a speech at the first Shaw College Graduation Ceremony
The Staff Association of Shaw College was established.
  • ChronologyThe Christmas gathering organised by Shaw College Staff Association

Dr. Yeung Hok-keung John of the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, succeeded Dr. Fung Kwok-pui as Dean of Students.

Dr. Ching Pak-chung of the Department of Electronics, Faculty of Science, succeeded Dr. Yeung Hok-keung John as Warden of Student Hostel I.


The first swimming gala was held.
  • Chronology
The first athletic meet was held.
  • ChronologyThe first athletic meet in Shaw College
The first batch of graduates of Shaw College, 64 in total, were granted degrees.


A tree planting ceremony was held during the Founder’s Day. Sir Run Run Shaw, Patron of Shaw College, and Mr. Teng Teng, Vice-Chair of the State Education Commission, officiated at the ceremony.
  • ChronologyGuests planted the 90 saplings received as gifts from the China State Education commission and higher institutions in China on the campus in 1991
The Shaw College Alumni Association was established.
  • ChronologyMr. Yuen Wai-Kuen Stanley, the first President of Shaw College Alumni Association


The 289-bed Student Hostel II was commissioned.
The Lecture Theatre was open for use.
The Student Union set up the Non-Residential Students’ Hall.


An exchange programme with University of Victoria, Canada was established.


Professor Chen Char-nie retired from the position of College Head. Professor Yeung Yue- man of the Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Science, was appointed College Head.
The exhibition gallery of the Lecture Theatre was open for use and the first art exhibition was held.
  • ChronologyThe exhibition gallery of the Lecture Theatre was open for use and the first art exhibition was held


The Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar was translation theorist Dr. Eugene A. Nida.
  • ChronologyDr. Eugene A. Nida, translation theorist, the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar in 1994/95


The cultural event Tolo Lyrics - Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert was launched.
  • ChronologyTolo Lyrics - Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert
The Assembly of Fellows resolved to name the platform at which the college sign was situated Shaw Terrace.
  • ChronologyShaw Terrace


A fund-raising committee was set up. The committee was chaired by Professor Choa Gerald Hugh, Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees.
Trustee Mr. Lee Woo-sing made a generous donation to the College. In recognition of Mr. Lee’s benevolence, the self-learning centre was named Lee Woo Sing Self-Learning Resources Centre.
  • ChronologyThe College Trustee Dr. Lee Woo-sing (forth from right) at the Lee Woo Sing Self-Learning Resources Centre Opening Ceremony



The Lee Shih Lun Tang made a generous donation to the College in memory of their late family members Mr. Lee Kuo-wei and Mr. Lee Mou for their enthusiastic support to the cause of education. In recognition of the family’s benevolence, Student Hostel I of Shaw College was named Kuo Mou Hall.

An evening banquet was held to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Shaw College. A commemorative brochure Shaw College —The First Ten Years was published.

An exchange programme with the University of Illinois in the USA was established.
  • ChronologyThe Naming Ceremony of Kuo Mou Hall, the student hostel of Shaw College
  • Chronology(From left) Professor Li kwok-cheung Arthur, Mr. Zhang Jun-sheng, Mr. Zhu Kai-xuan, Sir run Run Shaw and Professor Ma Lin at the Shaw College Tenth Anniversary Dinner
Professor Yang Chen-ning spoke at the Tenth Anniversary Commemorative Lecture.
  • ChronologyProfessor Yang Chen-ning spoke at The Tenth Anniversary Commemorative Lecture


The Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar was mathematician Professor Yau Shing-tung.
  • ChronologyProfessor Yau Shing-tung, mathematician, the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar in 1998/99

The Yung family made a generous donation to the College in memory of Mr. Yung Fu Zung. In recognition of the family’s enthusiastic support to the cause of education, the College named the new multi-function hall Fu Zung Centre.

Shaw Link, the newsletter of Shaw College, was launched.
  • ChronologyThe first issue of Shaw Link, the newsletter of Shaw College
Professor Yau Shing-tung accepted the college invitation to be Honorary Fellow.
Mr. Lee Woo-sing was appointed the Second Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees.


A workshop for Shaw College students to produce a mural at the Shaw Terrace was organized by the Hong Kong Mural Society with a sponsorship from the Arts Development Council.
  • Chronology
  • Chronology
A generous donation of HK$1 million was received from the Shaw Foundation for the establishment of the Shaw Foundation Student Loans.
Trustee Mr. Lam Kin-chung made a generous donation to the College. In recognition of Mr. Lam’s benevolence, the computer centre of the College was named Lam Kin-chung Computer Centre.
  • ChronologyThe Naming Ceremony of Lam Kin Chung Computer Laboratory



The new wing of Student Hostel II was commissioned. 136 additional hostel places were provided.

The newly-constructed basketball court, adjacent to Student Hostel II, was open for use. Construction cost of the court was sponsored by trustee Mr. Fung Siu-to Clement.




The Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar was computer scientist Professor Yao Chi-chih Andrew.

The Chinese Medicinal Plants Garden of Shaw College was open to visitors. The garden was designated HERBSnSENSES after the name of a health product developed by GreaterChina Technology Limited, the company that generously sponsored the construction of the place.
  • ChronologyProfessor Yau Chi-chih Andrew, computer scientist, the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar in 2001/02
  • ChronologyThe Opening Ceremony of the Chinese Medicinal Plants Garden of Shaw College
The Shaw Prize Preparatory Committee was established, and a provisional secretariat was set up at Shaw College.
  • ChronologyA news conference to announce the official establishment of The Shaw Prize was held in November 2002
An exchange programme with Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Japan was established.
The Mentorship Programme of Shaw College was launched.
  • ChronologyThe Shaw College Mentorship Programme Inauguration Ceremony


The Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar was geographer Professor Chen Shu-peng.
  • ChronologyProfessor Chen Shu-peng, geographer, the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar in 2002/03



Trustee Mr. Koo Shing-cheong Daniel made a generous donation to the College for the purpose of producing college publications. The commemorative brochure Shaw College Eighteen Years of Growth and Development was published.

The Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar was Professor Zhong Nan-shan. Professor Zhong was an expert in thoracic medicine and respiratory disease.

  • ChronologyProfessor Zhong Nan-shan

Professor Yeung Yue-man retired from the position of College Head. Professor Ching Pak-chung of the Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, was appointed College Head.

Sir Run Run Shaw, Patron of Shaw College, made a generous donation of HK$1 million to the College to support the scholarship programme.



The first Shaw Prize Lecture in Astronomy was held at the Lecture Theatre. The lecture was delivered by Professor James Peebles, Shaw Laureate in Astronomy.

ShawNet, the electronic newsletter of the College, was launched.
  • ChronologyProfessor James Peebles, the first Shaw Prize Laureate in Astronomy



Dr. Tan Siu-lin Terrace, situated at the podium of Kuo Mou Hall, was inaugurated. Construction cost of the Terrace was sponsored by trustee Dr. Tan Siu-lin.

Professor Yao Chi-chih Andrew, Distinguished Professor-at-Large of the Chinese University, joined Shaw College.
  • ChronologyThe Naming Ceremony of Dr. Tan Siu-lin Terrace
The Shaw Prize Lecture was held at the Lecture Theatre of Shaw College. The lecture was delivered by Professor Andrew Wiles, Shaw Laureate in Mathematical Sciences.



The College 20th Founder’s Day Celebration Ceremony was held in the Lecture Theatre. Dr. Anthony Neoh, SC was the Guest of Honour.

The College 20th Anniversary Commemorative Volume was launched.

'Shaw Sights and Sounds', an exhibition of oil painting and poetry reading was held at the Exhibition Gallery of the Lecture Theatre with poems written by Professor Andrew Parkin, Senior College Tutor and translated by Professor Wong Kwok-pun Lawrence. The paintings were drawn by Mr. Chan Hang.
  • Chronology The Shaw College 20th Founder's Day Celebration Ceremony
In appreciation of the generous donation of Mr. Che Yueh-chiao to support college development, the College named the exhibition gallery of the Lecture Theatre ‘Yueh Chiao Art Gallery’.
  • Chronology The Naming Ceremony of Yueh Chiao Art Gallery
The Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar was Professor Charles Kao Kuen, Father of Optical Fiber Communications and former Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • ChronologyProfessor Ching Pak-chung, Head of Shaw College with Professor Charles Kao Kuen, the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2005/06
Formed by plaques engraved with graduates’ names, the Alumni Trail was unveiled.
The Shaw Prize Lecture in Astronomy was held at the Lecture Theatre. The lecture was delivered by Professor Saul Perlmutter, Professor Adam Riess and Professor Brian Schmidt, Shaw Laureates.
  • ChronologyOur University students took this memorable group photo with Professor Saul Perlmutter, Professor Adam Riess and Professor Brian Schmidt, the Shaw Laureates in Astronomy 2006


The Band Room was open for use. It is the first and only band room in the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

With the generous support of Mr. Lee Woo-sing, Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees, the Lee Woo Sing Self-Learning Resource Centre was converted to become Lee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre. Professor Ho Pui-yin, Department of History, was appointed Centre Director.

Professor Robert J. Lefkowitz, Shaw Laureate in Life Sciences and Medicine, presented the Shaw Prize Lecture.
  • ChronologyProfessor Robert J. Lefkowitz presented the Shaw Lecture in Life Sciences and Medicine 2007


Professor Sung Jao-yiu Joseph, Associate Dean (General Affairs), Faculty of Medicine and Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics, succeeded Professor Ching Pak-chung as College Head.

Mr. Lee Woo-sing was appointed First Vice-Chair and Mr. Fung Siu-to Clement Second Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees.

Introduced by College Head, the college slogan ‘Excellence with a soul, Leadership with a heart’ echoed the college motto.

Shaw Laureates in Mathematical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Arnold and Professor Ludwig Faddeev presented the Shaw Prize Lecture.
  • ChronologyProfessor Vladimir Arnold and Professor Ludwig Faddeev presented the Shaw Prize Lecture in Mathematical Sciences 2008

The College introduced a series of high table dinners. Speakers with unique life experiences were invited to share with students and teachers. The first speaker of the series was Mr. Ching Cheong.

  • ChronologyThe seasoned media communicator Mr. Ching Cheong, the first speaker of Shaw College High Table Dinner


The first Shaw College Alumni Day was held. It was officiated by Professor Sung Jao-yiu Joseph, College Head and Dr. Leung Yu-lung Dexter, President of Shaw College Alumni Association.
  • ChronologyThe first Shaw College Alumni Day
An exchange programme with the University of Seoul in South Korea was established.
Professor Frank H. Shu, Shaw Laureate in Astronomy, delivered the Shaw Prize Lecture.
  • ChronologyProfessor Frank H Shu delivered the Shaw Prize Lecture in Astronomy 2009


Mr. Jeremy Hobbs, Executive Director of Oxfam International, was the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar.
  • ChronologyMr. Jeremy Hobbs, Executive Director of Oxfam International, the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar in 2009/10
Professor Chan Chi-fai Andrew, professor of the Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business Administration, succeeded Professor Sung Jao-yiu Joseph as College Head.
Kick-off Ceremony for Silver Jubilee Celebration was held at the Inauguration Assembly.
  • ChronologyThe Kick-off Ceremony for Shaw College Silver Jubilee Celebration

The ‘Thursday Dinners with Chi-fai’ series started. The Dinner was hosted by Professor Chan Chi-fai Andrew, College Head, for students, teachers and alumni to exchange on various topics.

  • ChronologyStudents, teachers and alumni mingled at the first 'Thursday Dinners with Chi-fai'

Professor David Julius, Shaw Laureate in Life Science and Medicine, presented the Shaw Prize Lecture.

  • ChronologyProfessor David Julius delivered the Shaw Prize Lecture in Life Science and Medicine 2010
The unveiling ceremony for the statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen was held. The statue was donated by Dr. Sun Sui-fong Lily, granddaughter of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.


Mr. Wong Tung-shun Peter, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, was the Guest of Honour of the Silver Jubilee Celebration Ceremony. The Celebration Dinner was held on the same day at the Harbour Grand Hong Kong.
  • ChronologyProf. Chan Chi-fai Andrew (right), Head of Shaw College, presents a souvenir to Mr. Wong Tung-shun Peter, Chief Executive Officer Asia-Pacific of The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Guest of Honour of the Shaw College Silver Jubilee Celebration Ceremony
  • ChronologyProfessor Sung Jao-yiu Joseph (second from left), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Professor Ma Lin (this from right), Chair of the Board of Trustees of Shaw College; Dr. Lee Woo-sing (third from left), the first Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees of Shaw College and Mrs. Lee (first from left); Professor Chan Chi-Fai Andrew (second from right), Head of Shaw College, and Ms. Ge Lan (first from right), a veteran famous star, took a photo after the Beijing operatic singing performance at the Shaw college Silver Jubilee Celebration Ceremony.

Ceremony for the Naming of Yat-sen Hall and the Academic Seminar to Mark the Centenary of Xinhai Revolution were held in appreciation of the generous donation from Dr. Lam Kin-chung, Senior Advisor of the Board of Trustees, and Dr. Ho Hau-wong.

  • ChronologyThe Ceremony for the Naming of Yat-sen Hall and the Academic Seminar to Mark the Centenary of Xinhai Revolution

Professor Harry Lewis of Harvard University was the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar.

  • ChronologyProfessor Harry Lewis of Harvard University, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2010/11
Sir Run Run Shaw, the College Patron and Mrs. Mona Shaw, made a magnanimous donation of HK$68 million (equivalent to 1,445,000 ordinary shares of Television Broadcasts Limited) to the College. An endowment fund was set up to support scholarships and bursaries for students.
The inaugural ‘World Youth Leaders Forum’ was held with the theme 'Re-shaping the Post-crisis World Order'.
  • ChronologyThe first 'World Youth Leaders Forum' held at Shaw College

Professor Ma Lin retired from the Board of Trustees after serving as the Chair of the Board for 25 years since the College was established in 1986.

Mr. Fung Siu-to Clement succeeded Professor Ma Lin as Chair of the Board of Trustees.

A Memorandum of Understanding on establishing the Li Dak Sum Academic Exchange Fund for Collaboration was signed between Ningbo University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) for students from Ningbo University and CUHK to take part in exchange programmes.

  • ChronologyA Memorandum of Understanding on establishing the Li Dak-sum Academic Exchange Fund for Collaboration was signed by Professor Cheng Chun-yiu Jack, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Professor Wang Wen-bin, Vice President of Ningbo University
Mr. Fan Shi-Hoo Hamen, Honorary Treasurer, was concurrently appointed Second Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees.


Professor Jane Luu and Professor David C. Jewitt, Shaw Laureates in Astronomy, presented the Shaw Prize Lecture.
The Honourable Mrs. Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, Chief Secretary of Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, delivered a guest lecture at College Assembly.
  • ChronologyThe Honourable Mrs. Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, Chief Secretary of Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


Professor Richard J. Davidson, Founder and Chair of the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds, University of Wisconsin-Madison, was the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar.
  • ChronologyProfessor Richard J. Davidson, Founder and Chair of the Centre for Investigating Healthy Minds, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2012/13
Mr. Huen Wing-ming, Trustee, was conferred honorary fellowship by the University.
Professor Jeffrey C. Hall, Professor Michael Rosbach and Professor Michael W. Young, Shaw Laureates in Life Science and Medicine, presented the Shaw Prize Lecture.
The Opening Ceremony of Huen Wing Ming Building Multi-Purpose Learning Centre was held. The ceremony was officiated by Mr. Huen Wing-ming and his family members; Professor Sung Jao-yiu Joseph, Vice-Chancellor; Mr. Fung Siu-to Clement, Chair of Board of Trustees; Professor Chan Chi-fai Andrew, College Head; and Mr. Lo King-yeung, President of Executive Committee of Shaw College Student Union.


Sir Run Run Shaw, Patron, passed away at the age of 107.
With the support from The D.H. Chen Foundation that was set up by the family of College Trustee Dr. Chen Wai-wai, Vivien, a Retreat in Nepal at Tergar Osel Ling Monastery, Kathmandu was organized.
  • ChronologyStudents also visited Kathmandu Valley, one of the World Heritage sites identified by UNESCO as well as local homes to learn about the daily life of an ordinary Nepali family
The Opening Ceremony for The Fong Yim Fun Art Gallery was held. Ms. Fong Yim-fun, Professor Sung Jao-yiu Joseph, Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University and Professor Chan Chi-fai Andrew, Head of Shaw College officiated at the Ceremony.
  • ChronologyMs. Fong Yim-fun (middle), Professor Sung Jao-yiu Joseph, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK (right) and Professor Chan Chi-fai Andrew, Head of Shaw College (left) officiated at The Opening Ceremony for The Fong Yim Fun Art Gallery
  • Chronology

Professor George Lusztig, Shaw Laureate in Mathematical Sciences 2014, presented the Shaw Prize Lecture.

The College devoted its efforts in promoting environmental sustainability with the support of College Trustee Dr. Nelson Yu. The Aquaponics Project was launched in collaboration with Kuo Mou Hall through which students gained knowledge of water agriculture and pisciculture in the city.
  • ChronologyUnder the witness of Professor Chan Chi-fai Andrew (middle), Head of College, Professor Leung Yiu-kin Freedom, Dean of Students (second from left) and Ms. Candice Lam, College Secretary (first from right), fry were poured into the fish tank which marked the grand launching of the Aquaponics Project
Professor Andrew Ng, Chief Scientist of Baidu and Co-founder of Coursera, was the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar.
  • ChronologyProfessor Andrew Ng, Chief Scientist of Baidu and Co-founder of Coursera, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2014/15


Strategic partnership with the International Association of Facilitators Hong Kong Chapter was established.
Shaw College joined hands with the Centre for Asia Leadership Initiatives and the Asia Leadership Trek in offering the conference ‘Leading Change in the 21st Century’ and invited 30 leadership experts to share their knowledge and experience with local undergraduates.
  • ChronologyA keynote address was delivered by Paul Tomes, co-founder and CEO of PassKit
Mr. William Borucki, Shaw Laureate in Astronomy presented the Shaw Prize Lecture.
  • ChronologyMr. William J Borucki, NASA Principal Investigator of the Kepler Space Mission
The exhibition to celebrate the college 30th anniversary was launched.
  • ChronologyProfessor Leung Yiu-kin Freedom, Dean of Students (left) and Professor Chan Chi-fai Andrew (right), College Head stooped to take a photo together at the Opening Ceremony for the 30th Anniversary Exhibition
  • ChronologyProfessor Chan King-ming, Convenor of the Working Group on Anniversary Exhibition gave former College Heads, Professor Chen Char-nie and Professor Yeung Yue-man a guided tour around the Anniversary Exhibition on CUHK Alumni Homecoming Day


The Cultural Integration Programme was launched.
  • Chronology

Shaw College and Shaw College Alumni Association co-organized ‘Follow the Green Brick Road: Glass Bottles Recycling Guinness World Record Challenge’ and successfully set a first Guinness World Record by recycling 1,147kg of glass bottles in one hour.

  • Chronology

The 30th anniversary banquet was held in Federal Cruise Banquet Centre in Kai Tak Cruise Terminal.

  • Chronology

The 30th Founder's Day Celebration Ceremony was held with Professor Chen Char-nie, Founding Head of the College, as the Guest of Honour.

A summer exchange programme with University of British Columbia was established.
  • Chronology

Professor Adrian Bird and Professor Huda Zoghbi, Shaw Laureates in Life Science and Medicine, presented the Shaw Prize Lecture.

With the staunch support of College Trustee Mr. Tsim Yiu-leung, Zhejiang Taizhou Internship and Leadership Programme was launched.
  • ChronologyLed by Professor Leung Yiu-kin Freedom, Dean of Students, students visited renowned enterprises and tertiary education institutions in Zhejiang and participated in job shadowing at YaoDa Group and Geely Group


The 31st Founder’s Day Celebration Ceremony was held with Mr. Yau Chi-chiu, Commissioner of Correctional Services of HKSAR Government, as the Guest of Honour
Professor Monica S Lam, Professor of the Department of Computer Science of Stanford University, was the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar.
Professor János Kollar and Professor Claire Voison, Shaw Laureate in Mathematical Sciences presented the Shaw Prize Lecture.


The 32nd Founder’s Day Celebration Ceremony was held with Prof. Wong Yuk-shan, President of the Open University of Hong Kong, as the Guest of Honour.
  • Chronology

The augural Star of Shaw Awards were presented at the Founder's Day Celebration Ceremony.

  • Chronology

Professor Gunter Pauli, author of The Blue Economy, The Blue Economy 2.0 and The Blue Economy 3.0 was the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar.

  • Chronology
Dr. Jean-Loup Puget, Shaw Laureates in Astronomy presented the Shaw Prize Lecture.
  • Chronology
The hall of fame for the Star of Shaw Award was unveiled.
  • Chronology


The 33rd Founder’s Day Celebration Ceremony was held with Ven. Chang Lin as the Guest of Honour.
  • Chronology
Dr. Lee Kai-fu, Chair and CEO of Sinovation Ventures was the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar.
  • Chronology
The College was honoured with The Facilitation Impact Award 2019 (Platimum), becoming the first organisation in Hong Kong to receive the highest award from the International Association of Facilitators (IAF).
  • Chronology


The 34th Anniversary Ceremony was held with Mr. Ling Ho-wan Howard MH as the Guest of Honour.
  • Chronology Mr. Ling Ho-wan Howard MH

Professor Ezra F. VOGEL, Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences Emeritus, Harvard University, was the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar.

  • ChronologyProfessor Ezra F. VOGEL, Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences Emeritus, Harvard University, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2019/20
Professor Leung Yiu-kin Freedom succeeded Professor Chan Chi-fai Andrew as College Head.

Professor Au Wing-tung Winton, Department of Psychology, was appointed Associate Head.

Professor Chan King-ming of the School of Life Sciences and Mr. Ho Kwok-tai of the Physical Education Unit were appointed Senior College Tutors.


The 35th Founder’s Day Celebration Ceremony was held with Dr. Leung Yu-lung Dexter, Trustee and alumnus, as the Guest of Honour.
  • Chronology
Professor Hui Shu-cheong David, Chairman of the Department of Medicine & Therapeutics and Stanley Ho Professor of Respiratory Medicine was the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar.
  • Chronology
Professor Alexander Beilinson and Professor David Kazhdan, Shaw Laureates in Mathematical Sciences 2020, presented the Shaw Prize Lecture in Mathematical Sciences.
Mr. Chan Wai-man Raymond, Member of the Board of Trustees, was conferred honorary fellowship by the University.
Dr. Pang Kam-moon of the Office of University General Education succeeded Professor Chan Wood-yee Woody as Warden of Kuo Mou Hall.

Professor Ho Pui-yin of Department of History and Mr. Tam Pit-shing Benny were appointed Senior College Tutors.

Professor CHEUNG Hiu-yu was appointed Associate Director of Lee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre.

Professor Victoria M. Kaspi and Professor Chryssa Kouveliotou, the two Shaw Laureates in Astronomy 2021, presented the Shaw Prize Lecture in Astronomy.


The 36th Founder's Day Celebration Ceremony was held with Ir Dr. Lam Hiu-fung Alan, Trustee and alumnus, as the Guest of Honour.
  • Chronology
Professor Chu Shun-chi Donna of School of Journalism and Communication succeeded Dr. Pang Kam-moon as Warden of Kuo Mou Hall.
Professor Ma Lai-chong Joyce of Department of Social Work was appointed Senior College Tutor.

College participated in government’s “Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff Scheme.”

Dr. Paul A Negulescu and Professor Michael J Welsh, the two Shaw Laureates in Life Science and Medicine 2022, presented the Shaw Prize Lecture in Life Science and Medicine.


The 37th Founder's Day Celebration Ceremony was held with Ms. WONG Chi-shun Winnie, Trustee and alumna, as the Guest of Honour.
  • Chronology
Professor CHAN Ying-yang Emily, Assistant Dean (External Affairs) of the Faculty of Medicine, was the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar.

Mr. CHENG Kam-chiu Stewart, Second Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees, was conferred honorary fellowship by the University.

Professor YAU Shing-tung, Honarary Fellow, was awarded The Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences 2023.

Professor CHAN Wan-yi Renee of the Department of Paediatrics and Dr. CHENG Man-chuen of the Department of Mathematics were appointed Associate Dean of Students.
Professor Vladimir Drinfeld and Professor YAU Shing-tung, the two Shaw Laureates in Mathematical Sciences 2023, presented the Shaw Prize Lecture in Mathematical Sciences.
  • ChronologyProfessor Vladimir Drinfeld
  • ChronologyProfessor YAU Shing-tung


The 38th Founder's Day Celebration Ceremony was held with Ms. AU Oi-chi Irene, alumna, as the Guest of Honour.
  • Chronology
Dr. AU Ka-lun Allan of School of Journalism and Communication was appointed Warden of Student Hostel II.
Professor Tsang Hon-ki, Department of Electronic Engineering, was appointed Associate Head.
Dr. Tsang Wai-kit Ricky of the University Medical Service Office was appointed Senior College Tutor.
Professor Chan Wing-wah of Department of Music was appointed Senior College Tutor.
Professor Dr.-Ing Holger Kohl, Head, Department of Sustainable Corporate Development, Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF), Technical University of Berlin, was the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar.
Professor Shrinivas R KULKARNI, the Shaw Laureate in Astronomy 2024, presented the Shaw Prize Lecture in Astronomy.