Aligning the college founding aspiration, “Learning, innovation, and benefitting humankind,” this course provides students with opportunities to apply their academic skills and knowledge to care for and serve the people in the society. It also enhances the understanding of students of community issues, as well as the capacities and assets of the community, with an aim to promote students’ apprehension of social inclusion. Students will engage in experiential learning to critically study and apply concepts and theories in an authentic, real-world environment through social servicing. To prepare students to care for others, they will first learn to care for themselves through developing loving and kindness, empathy, mindfulness, and respect for diversity. Students will review and reflect on the strengths and real-life needs of the community. Guided by course instructors, students will design and implement service-learning projects by themselves or in association with non-government organizations, social enterprises, or volunteer groups as host organizations. The course concludes with a post-service review in which students will share and reflect on their service-learning experience, re-examine their own self to gain deeper and broader appreciation of how their own discipline and academic knowledge relates to the society, and develop an enhanced sense of civic responsibility and a lifelong commitment.