Effective Professional Writing Workshop

Effective Professional Writing Workshop


In this 4-session interactive workshop, you will be empowered to:

1. Write professional emails for academic and workplace communication purposes

2. Write precise and concise meeting agendas and minutes

3. Write impactful proposals and reports

4. Appreciate various academic and practical texts & identify different language issues through strategic reading

You are allowed to select any session(s) that best suits you needs.

Date: Any session of the following dates (15/5, 17/5, 22/5 and 24/5)

Time: 2:30pm - 4:30pm

Teaching Mode: Zoom

Quota: 15

Language: English

Deposit: $100 for each lesson

*refundable upon completion of your selected session(s)

Online Registration: https://bit.ly/3KOvLZg

Deadline: 1 May 2023 (Monday) 

**Extended deadline: 7 May 2023 (Sunday) 

Enquiry: Jay Li at 3943 1549 or jayli@cuhk.edu.hk
