Let You Know More: Sitting Posture and Eyes Protection

Primary 3-5 students
Working Partner
Jockey Club Tin Ping Integrated Children and Youth Services Centre, Hong Kong Children and Youth Services & Jockey Club Tai Wo Centre, Hong Kong Federations of Women’s Centre

Nowadays, electronic gadgets are popular among children. However, many children neglect the health of their eyes and spine, which may adversely affect their physical development. This service programme aims to teach them about proper sitting posture and eye protecting habits. By introducing healthy habits through games and dramas, it is hoped that they will be more aware of their health and physical development while using gadgets.

Reflection and Learning

“The whole project, for us, was a great learning opportunity. From contacting the service agency to carrying out the project, we acquired valuable experience, which helped us deliver similar programmes with more confidence. We taught children exercises for protecting their eyes and spine. We gained satisfaction through this service project, which further motivates us to get more involved in social services.”