"Star of Shaw" 2024: Mr Ricky Chong

Mr Ricky Chong (first from the right, second row) joined the Shaw College Orientation Camp

Mr Ricky Chong (first from the right, second row) joined the Shaw College Orientation Camp

The Alumni Association of Shaw College (SCAA) established “Star of Shaw” Award in 2017 to recognise alumni’s achievements and their contributions to society. Awardees are selected by a Selection Committee formed by representatives of the College Board of Trustees, College, and the Board of Directors of SCAA. The awardee for 2024 is Mr Ricky Chong (Information Engineering 1993).

Mr Ricky Chong (Information Engineering 1993)

To Mr Ricky Chong, Shaw College is not only a place for knowledge, but also where he learnt the essence of friendship. His most unforgettable moment in the College was working overnight with classmates to complete a group project which he thought was “mission impossible". His group members did not give up but supported and encouraged each other instead, at the end they submitted the report before deadline. It was the first time Mr Chong felt the power of teamwork, and the team members at that time became his lifelong friends.

In the Shaw family, Mr Chong got to know many Shawers, with whom he cherished a lot the time they spent together. Shawers not only inspired Mr Chong to pursue excellence, but also taught him soft skills that he could not learn from books and how to face failure courageously, laying a solid foundation for his leadership, growth mindset, and adaptability. When Mr Chong entered the workforce, these skills became his important assets for effective team leadership, embracing changes, and seeking continuous improvement.

Mr Chong hopes to give back to his alma mater like the founding aspiration of the College, “Learning, innovation, and benefitting humankind”. With the spirit of innovation he gained at Shaw College and by sharing his working experience and professional knowledge in the information technology industry, he hopes to advise fellow students in their personal development and contribute to the society. Mr Chong believes that learning does not stop at school. Through various exchanges and sharing of opinions, inspiration and encouragement, fellow students would be able to attain outstanding achievements in their respective fields.

A photo of Mr Ricky Chong (first from the right, second row) with classmates during hiking
A photo of Mr Ricky Chong (first from the right, second row) with classmates during hiking
Photo of Mr Ricky Chong (third from the left) with (starting from right) Dr Dexter Leung, Honorary President of SCAA, Ir. Prof. LAM Hiu Fung Alan, JP, Honorary President of SCAA, Professor Freedom Leung, College Head, Dr Daniel Lee, President of SCAA, and Mr Arthur Man, Vice-President of SCAA
Photo of Mr Ricky Chong (third from the left) with (starting from right) Dr Dexter Leung, Honorary President of SCAA, Ir. Prof. LAM Hiu Fung Alan, JP, Honorary President of SCAA, Professor Freedom Leung, College Head, Dr Daniel Lee, President of SCAA, and Mr Arthur Man, Vice-President of SCAA

This article was originally published in the Newsletter of the College, Shaw Link in Feb 2025.