(The following promotion message is about 'Zen Art Daily' X 'MakeZen' Series: The Journey of Sinje –Movie watching & Post-screening Sharing , which would be held in Cantonese only.)
'Zen Art Daily' X 'MakeZen' Series: The Journey of Sinje –Movie watching & Post-screening Sharing
「禪藝逸常」 x 「有冇咁禪」系列︰我的名字叫李心潔 –電影欣賞及分享會
Sinje Lee is an actress, but out of the spotlight, she is just like any ordinary person. Facing the pressures of her job, her biological family and her own family life, how does she go through the joys and sorrows of life positively and carefreely through mindfulness practice? Explore her transformation story as an actress, mother, and daughter in “The Journey of Sinje”.
日期: 2025年3月15日 (星期六)
時間: 15:00 - 17:30
地點:中文大學邵逸夫堂 (不設劃位)
電影語言︰普通話、英語 (中英文字幕)
對象:中大學生、教職員、校友及公眾人士 (Friends of the Arts 會員及中大本科生優先)
網上報名 (2025年3月11日截止)
- 逸夫書院學生 (書院聚會出席率將於活動離場時記錄)
- 其他中大學生、教職員、校友及公眾人士 (名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止)
查詢:陳小姐 ( 3943 1549 / irene-chan@cuhk.edu.hk )