An interview with Professor Donna Chu, new warden of Kuo Mou Hall

Professor Donna Chu of the School of Journalism and Communication took up the position of warden of Kuo Mou Hall student hostel this March. She was a student of New Asia College when she studied her Bachelor’s Degree in CUHK, but was assigned by the School of Journalism and Communication as member of Shaw College after she joined the School in 2007. 

An interview with Professor Shannon Chan, awardee of Hong Kong Humanity Award 2021

Professor Shannon Chan (Medicine/2007), a Shaw College alumna, has been working as a surgeon at public hospital after graduation from the University. To regain the original intention of being a doctor from the daily routines and have more connections with patients, she decided to join Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), and had been to South Sudan and Yemen for rescue work in the field.

An interview with Ms Ma Man-sum, ex-Hong Kong Elite Karatedo Athlete

Ms Ma Man Sum (Physical Education and Sports Science/2011), ex-Hong Kong Elite Karatedo Athlete, is a Shaw College alumna and currently teaching in the Physical Education Unit of CUHK. When Ms Ma first studied in secondary school, she wanted to learn a sport which was not covered in Physical Education lesson in school. At that time, her mother found an organisation which only offered Karatedo class. Since then, her life is tightly bound to Karatedo.