Man of Steel - Daniel Lee tells how triathlon training has prepared him for life’s unknowns

Man of Steel
Daniel Lee tells how triathlon training has prepared him for life’s unknowns

Mention Daniel Lee Chi-wo and the image of a ‘superhuman’ sportsman springs readily to mind. As a famed triathlete, he is often photographed in sportswear by the media. However, for this interview, he turned up smartly in a suit. Following his recent completion of a PhD programme, he is now employed with the Hong Kong Sports Institute as an Associate Director, Elite Training Science & Technology.

Issue 79

  • 33rd Founder's Day Celebration Ceremony
  • Ven. Chang Lin: Pause, Let Our Heart Breathe
  • Star of Shaw Award
  • The Unveiling Ceremony of the Hall of Fame for the Star of Shaw Award
  • Cultural Integration Programme: Promoting Cultural Integration
  • Between Local and International Students in the College
  • Zhejiang Taizhou Leadership Training Programme
  • 33rd Founder's Day Celebration Student Activities "Mali Mali Shaw"
  • Eco Photography Competition 2018/19
  • Mr.