Sharings from 2023/24 Scholars

YIP, Wing San Sunny (Global Economics & Finance)
Recipient of Sir Run Run Shaw Gold Medal 2023-24

6 years ago, when I was still a freshman, I put Shaw College first in the college preference indication. The major reason was that I heard the college life is super interesting, and you could have a good time here. To me, it is the truth. During my 6 years at Shaw College, I took a lot of leadership positions in our renowned “4 Major Activities”, including O Camp, Shawlane, Shaw Founder’s Day etc. I met a lot of people who were also enthusiastic about college activities and dedicated to creating a more joyful college environment, and most importantly, they became my lifelong friends. 

It sounds a little bit cliché, but to me, the most important element of Shaw College, is the people. This place is boiling with humanity which you can feel since the first day you join the college via O Camp, and that connection does not end after that. People here are just more than happy to help and show you the way to have a fruitful college experience. I would say the people at Shaw College make it so special to me.

However, life is never a smooth ride. COVID-19 hit the world during my second year. It was a difficult time for me, and for all of us, especially when we had the ambitions to organize student activity, that was a heavy blow. Still, we found our way and we successfully held the first in-person O Camp in 2021 summer. That was the most unforgettable experience and a memory that would store in my mind for years, as we navigated through the storm and completed a once-in-a-lifetime mission.

Therefore, I think the most important quality to be the recipient of the Shaw College Gold Medal, is resilience. Especially when we are living in an era of uncertainty, we face a lot of challenges in our daily lives. What is important is to show your resilience, that you are brave to face the challenges ahead and able to learn from the experience. This is significant when you are building your character and image as you grow up. Therefore, I hereby wish all our Shaw College students can overcome all the obstacles with the bravest minds as I always believe “chance favours the prepared mind”.

Aruzhan Karabayeva
Aruzhan Karabayeva (Economics)
Recipient of Student Exemplary Awards 2023-24

This belief has been a guiding principle throughout my academic journey. From being admitted to Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Kazakhstan to earning a full-tuition scholarship to study Economics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, I have always valued learning as a tool for growth and change. Economics, in particular, fascinates me because it connects human behavior with financial systems and policy-making. 

I am deeply grateful to Shaw College for its support and the opportunities it has provided me. Being awarded the Shaw College Scholarship and the Student Exemplary Award is an honor I carry with great pride. These recognitions are not just personal achievements but a reflection of the encouragement I’ve received from my family, teachers, and mentors. They inspire me to continue striving for excellence in both my academic pursuits and extracurricular activities.

A key moment in my learning journey was participating in the Zhas Hackathon, where my team and I developed an app, applying economic and financial principles, and were awarded the First Degree Diploma. Experiences like this, along with internships as a Data Analyst at the Astana International Finance Centre’s Tech Hub, have reinforced my belief that knowledge is most valuable when it is put into action.

In the past, I have also been involved in promoting environmental sustainability through roles such as Chapter Head of ThinkOcean CUHK and founder of Eco-Corner in Astana. These experiences were incredibly meaningful, as they allowed me to contribute to sustainability efforts and explore innovative solutions. Although I am no longer actively working in this area, the lessons I learned from those roles continue to shape my outlook on how economics can impact society through sustainability.

To my fellow Shaw students, I encourage you to embrace learning as a way to not only achieve personal success but also contribute meaningfully to society. With determination, curiosity, and a sense of purpose, we can create lasting change.

YAM, Ying Chi Judy (Chinese Language Studies and Chinese Language Education)
Recipient of Student Exemplary Awards 2023-24

"Teacher is a model for the world", a saying quoted by my secondary school teacher when she learnt that I would be pursuing a degree in Chinese education. I have been dedicated to becoming a caring and passionate educator since then. The curriculum at CUHK is both rich and diverse; the courses in the Chinese department allow me to explore a vast sea of knowledge, while those in the Education faculty have helped me understand the responsibilities and challenges that teachers face. Thanks to this varied and supportive learning environment, we aspiring teachers are better equipped to succeed.

Being one of the CUHKers has also provided me with numerous opportunities to engage in various activities. The vibrant events at Shaw College offer students many chances to showcase our talents and broaden our horizons. I am grateful to be one of the organisers in Shawlane at Shaw College and I am also a member of the resident association at Kuo Mou Hall. I have built meaningful friendships and enhanced different skills, such as social skill, planning skill and so on through these college activities. As someone who has experienced this journey, I sincerely encourage all the freshmen not to set limitations on yourself; during this dynamic period of youth, seize the opportunity to participate in different activities—you may discover new facets of yourself and create lasting memories.

Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to Shaw College for providing a wealth of opportunities and support, which have allowed me to thrive during my university years. My time at Shaw College will undoubtedly be a significant and colourful chapter in my life. I encourage all freshmen to embrace the university experience and explore it fully without fear!

LI Yifei (Quantitative Finance)
Recipient of Student Exemplary Awards 2023-24

Currently, I am pursuing a degree in Quantitative Finance, a journey that has been filled with exploration and growth. My academic path began in Statistics, where I found the coursework to be pure and fascinating. I experienced the beauty of thoroughly contemplating a problem and then achieving clarity. However, I realized that I was yearning for a more practical application of my knowledge, driven by my passion for finance. Thus, in my second year, I made the pivotal decision to switch to Quantitative Finance.This change not only transformed my academic focus but also reshaped my daily life and social circles. Although the challenges are significant and painful, I have felt immense progress and growth. The dynamic environment has greatly encouraged me to push my boundaries and strive for excellence.

My personal motto is to always remain curious about the world and to courageously pursue exploration. Throughout my three years at university, the phrase "life is a wilderness" has become increasingly tangible for me. In twenties, I hold the belief that I outrightly allow myself to make mistakes and fall down, as long as I can learn from it and stand up again. Remain kind and respectful, there are no limits to what you can achieve.

To the freshmen and fellow Shaw students, I strongly encourage you to embrace this period of exploration. It is during this beautiful journey that you will discover your passions and sources of motivation, Maybe it will remain as a hobby, a relationship, or something you cannot yet envision. Cherish this relatively safe and simple environment, delve into your curiosity, and seek answers.

HO Hon Leung Jimmy (Global Economics & Finance)
Shaw College Young Scholar 2023-24

I am currently pursuing my PhD in Economics at Washington University in St. Louis. Through my studies on various economic policies, I ultimately wish to increase people’s welfare. Economic policies are highly related to everybody’s lives, influencing the welfare of all people to different extents. During my time at CUHK, I have learned the importance of Economics on social policies and how economists analyze problems through tools from mathematics, statistics, and social science. These all have aroused my interest in Economics. 

I am studying the housing problem in Hong Kong now. By understanding the interactions between the public and private housing markets, I aim to dissect the reasons for high housing prices and alleviate the unaffordability issue in Hong Kong housing. In the future, I wish to focus my research on labour economics, in which I am particularly interested in new immigrants and discrimination in labour markets. 

I wish my research can make positive impacts on the whole society by changing government policies and eventually attain the founding aspiration of Shaw College “Learning, innovation, and benefitting humankind”.

LIU Chiu Kit Lucas (Sociology)
Shaw College Young Scholar 2023-24

My training in sociology has led me to reflect on the role of education in society, particularly regarding whether education can truly promote social equality. Despite the various issues present in the current education system, I still believe that education is key in preparing the younger generation for an unpredictable future. After all, I can't think of anything else that could have such an impact.

I hope that educational reform can provide a stage for everyone to realize their potential. In this increasingly unclear AI era, I am particularly interested in addressing issues of digital inequality and the application of learning technologies in education.

Therefore, the focus on social justice and EdTech design in the University of Oxford's MSc Education (Digital and Social Change) programme has attracted me. I hope the skills and perspectives offered by this programme will help me engage in the field of education and innovation. In the future, I want to further explore whether advancements in EdTech truly promote educational justice, contributing to local and international education.

CHEUNG Yeuk Tik Jenny (Government and Public Administration)
Shaw College Young Scholar 2023-24

I will pursue my master's degree in International Social and Public Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science in September 2024. Through my work experience over the past two years, I have realised that society's sustainability relies on the contributions of labour across various sectors, good labour policies are the cornerstone for attracting and retaining talent and professionals while safeguarding labour rights. I am motivated to keep pushing forward whenever my research findings and advocacy for employment policies are acknowledged and adopted. As the saying goes, "The journey ahead may be long and arduous, but with sustained action, we will eventually reach our destination and embrace a brighter future." In my future academic journey, I will keep drawing on the successful talent strategies of other developed economies, taking their essence and discarding their dregs, contributing to the formulation and implementation of Hong Kong’s labour and welfare policy, ultimately enhancing labour welfare and wellness in Hong Kong by upholding the founding aspiration of the College: “Learning, innovation, and benefiting humankind.”

WONG Queenie Hoi Wing (Medicine)
Shaw College Young Scholar 2023-24

Shaw College Young Scholar 2023-24

Aspiring to become a clinician-scientist, I will pursue a PhD in Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, and study neuroimaging for precision surgery in neuro-oncology.

During my years in medical school, I did an intercalated MSc in Research Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and studied the molecular pathology of brain tumours. It allowed me to polish my inquisitive mindset and critical thinking skills, and also equipped me with practical skills ranging from molecular and genetic experiments to biostatistics and bioinformatics.

It is from neuroscience research that I realised the importance of looking beyond the local landscape and learning from people across the globe. Therefore, I attached to hospitals and laboratories in both developed and developing areas to dwell into the revolutionary development of neurology and neurosurgery, the art of applying it to patient care, and how to further improve the wellbeing of mankind by making healthcare and science widely accessible. I also founded the Hong Kong Student Association of Neurosciences (HKSAN), aiming to connect and inspire Hong Kong students for the advancement and popularisation of neuroscience.

Now I have graduated from medical school and am determined to become an academic neurosurgeon specialising in neuro-oncology. After graduation from my PhD, I will embark on my neurosurgical training while continuing my efforts in neuro-oncology research. Neuroscience will continue to be my lifelong pursuit and I will always be dedicated to serving the local, regional, and international communities as a clinician-scientist in neurosurgery and neuro-oncology.